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製造業、ものづくりの撮影 / 広告制作
グラフィックデザイン / エディトリアルデザイン




社名 / 長嶋パブリシティ合同会社
設立 / 2023年3月

​本社 / 〒240-0003 神奈川県横浜市保土ヶ谷区天王町1-23-20 クリンカストル304
​代表 / 長嶋一憲

​事業内容 / 広告制作・代理業 / 写真・動画撮影 / グラフィックデザイン / エディトリアルデザイン


長嶋パブリシティ合同会社は横浜を拠点とし、製造業やものづくり業に向けた広告宣伝の会社です。代表はKazunori Nagashimaの名義でフォトグラファーとして実績があり、グラフィックデザインの経験も豊富な長嶋一憲です。


長嶋パブリシティでは、お客様の商品やサービスについて深く理解するために、撮影や制作の前に丁寧なヒアリングを行います。 経営者や従業員の皆さまの取り組みや熱意、商品やサービスの特徴などをお聞きし、本当に行うべき作業を吟味した上で見積りを作成します。




Nagashima Publicity LLC, a new company based in Yokohama, Japan, specializes in advertising and promotion for the manufacturing and craftsmanship industries. The company is led by Kazunori Nagashima, an internationally exhibited and award-winning photographer. Mr. Nagashima possesses a deep understanding and experience of both craftsmanship and traditional Japanese culture, cultivated through his experiences as a Japanese language lecturer in Kuching, Malaysia, and as a stage scene carpenter at the Kabukiza Theatre.

Under his own name, Kazunori Nagashima has pursued both commercial and fine art photography, earning recognition with four selections for the International Photography Awards and a gold award at the Graphis Photo Annual. His work has been exhibited twice in France, and he has participated in photobook shows in the Netherlands and the UK. He also brings extensive experience in graphic design, having designed product catalogs and various advertisements.

Nagashima Publicity LLC leverages Nagashima's extensive experience and achievements to provide optimal advertising and promotional solutions for manufacturing and craftsmanship businesses. We offer high-quality, original advertising production that showcases the unique appeal and value of our clients' products and services, encompassing photography, editing, catalog and pamphlet production, and web design.

We prioritize a thorough consultation process before any shooting or production begins, ensuring a deep understanding of our clients' products and services. We take the time to learn about the dedication and passion of their managers and employees, and we provide detailed estimates after carefully assessing the scope of work required.

Nagashima Publicity LLC is committed to maximizing impact through close collaboration with our clients. We strive to continually create new value in the field of advertising and promotion for the manufacturing and craftsmanship industries.

If you seek to differentiate your company within your industry, we encourage you to contact us for a consultation. We are confident that Nagashima Publicity LLC can offer fresh perspectives and innovative approaches.


〒240-0003 神奈川県横浜市保土ヶ谷区天王町1-23-20 クリンカストル304
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